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General Cannabis Care

Hermies, Bananas & Male Plants

by Nebula Haze

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A hermie cannabis plant with both male and female parts, this plant has pollen sacs growing in the same place as female pistils

Hermies (Hermaphrodite) & Nanners -
Big Symptom Picture: 
Leaf Symptoms: 
Abnormal Growth
Other Symptoms: 
Buds Not Fattening

Cannabis Cloning Made Easy, Roots in 7-10 Days

by Mr Green

Hey everybody, it's Mr Green here from with some free advice about making cannabis cloning as easy and quick as possible.

I've been growing marijuana on a large scale since 1990 and have made thousands of clones over the years. The following is my best advice to get your clones rooted fast, in just 7-10 days.

Better Tasting, Better Smelling Cannabis

by Nebula Haze

Professional-quality cannabis buds look, taste and smell great

How can I get home-grown cannabis to taste and smell as good as professional-quality bud?

Cannabis: Controlling Humidity Indoors

by Nebula Haze

Optimal cannabis humidity levels chart

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PPM: What It Is and How To Track It

If you’ve ever tried to learn how to grow cannabis via cannabis growing forums, you’ve probably seen a few terms thrown around that confuse newcomers.

One that you’ve most undoubtedly seen is “ppm”.

5 Secrets to Growing Top-Shelf Bud

by Sirius Fourside

A bunch of beautiful buds.Have you ever had cannabis that was so? Mediocre? Just okay? Cannabis that’s ‘just alright’?

Quick Guide to Marijuana Training Techniques

by: Sirius Fourside

A cannabis plant growing in its typically, inefficient manner.Once a grower is able to successfully take a plant from seed (or clone) to harvest, a common new goal is: “How can I do it better?”

7 Common New Grower Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The current (undeserved, in my opinion) legal status of marijuana makes it so that many new growers end up learning some hard lessons on their own.

Often we see pictures of plants that are getting cared for by their owners; some pictures immediately let us know that the owner is missing a vital piece of plant care knowledge that would totally solve their problem!

I Need Help With Nutrients!

Unlike humans with our complicated social systems, dietary needs, etc., the cannabis plant has a very short list of things it needs to be happy and grow buds: Light, water, air and nutrients.

Light is the easy one since more light is usually better for your plants.

Water isn’t much trouble since any clean water from pretty much any source will do as long as the pH is corrected.

Air is free and you can move it around with a cheap oscillating fan…easy!

"Main-Lining" Tutorial by Nugbuckets: Train Marijuana Plants for Bigger Yields & Flat Canopies

by Nugbuckets - Compiled and edited by Nebula Haze in August 2013

Read Nebula's Manifold Tutorial:



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