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Male vs Female Plants

Feminized cannabis seeds make hermies?!

by Nebula Haze

Feminized Cannabis Seeds: Seeds where all plants grow up to be female and produce buds

Hermies: Hermie cannabis plants can look like normal female plants at first glance, but they produce pollen that causes seedy buds, just like male plants. Hermies are to be avoided!


Hermies, Bananas & Male Plants

by Nebula Haze

Table of Contents

A hermie cannabis plant with both male and female parts, this plant has pollen sacs growing in the same place as female pistils

Hermies (Hermaphrodite) & Nanners -
Big Symptom Picture: 
Leaf Symptoms: 
Abnormal Growth
Other Symptoms: 
Buds Not Fattening

Top 7 Most Common Growing "Myths"

by Sirius Fourside

Some guy on an internet forum learned a super secret trick from his neighbor's cousin who is a master grower...

All you have to do is crumble 3 goldfish crackers per gallon of water into your nutrients every other feeding. The crackers use a wheat compound that’s hard to obtain for non-commercial use, and it makes buds grow up to 20% larger!

Does that sound crazy? Good! Because it IS crazy!
