You are hereHow to Grow Weed in 20 Minutes a Week Using Bubbleponics
How to Grow Weed in 20 Minutes a Week Using Bubbleponics
How to Grow Weed in 20 Minutes a Week Using Bubbleponics
By Nebula Haze (with Sirius Fourside)
If time is the critical factor in your life, then I am going to show you how little time it can take for you to grow weed indoors in a spare closet or space.
The grow method I'm about to share will actually take less of your time than buying weed from a dealer or a medical marijuana dispensary!
(Plus your marijuana is guaranteed safe, potent, and you can even choose to grow a stain specifically suited to your needs!)
Yep, this method allows you to grow weed in just 20 minutes a week.
I will reveal how this is possible in just a moment, but first, let me make sure I'm being totally transparent about how much time it will actually take to grow weed, and what I mean by 20 minutes/week.
You see, this method is perfect for an indoor grower who's looking to grow 1-3 plants at a time, and doesn't want to spend too much time tending their secret garden, yet still wants big yields and potent buds.
With Every Grow Method, Certain Weeks Take More Than 20 Minutes
Now there are a few specific events where you'll need to plan more time than 20 minutes/week:
- Initial Setup
Easy setup takes about 2 hours. (I put on cartoons in the background and the time flew by)
- First Few Weeks
To be fair, for the first 1-3 weeks, as you get used to caring for your system, it make take you longer than 20 minutes to properly feed your plants. After your first few weeks, you'll get the hang of what you need to do, and it'll likely take you even less than 20 minutes/week to care for your plants.
- Harvest (Trimming Buds)
Harvest time requires that your trim all your buds. This process can take several hours with the kind of yields you'll be getting using this grow method (I also do this in front of the TV, since trimming seems easy and relaxing for me)
Ok, now that you know exactly how infrequently you'll need to invest more than 20 minutes of your time....
What's the big secret?
Or, to be more precise and all fancy-sounding, a top fed deep water culture hydroponic system.
Basically, you're growing the marijuana directly in nutrient-rich water.
A special contraption known as an airstone pumps oxygen bubbles directly into the water.
This adds oxygen to the water, and causes marijuana plants toexplode in growth.
In a top-fed system, you also use a water pump to feed water to the top of the roots of the plants;this speeds up the initial growth of young seedlings. Although the top-fed aspect has little effect later on, that initial boost in the beginning can easily shave 1-2 weeks off your total grow time.
The final system looks something like this:

(An added bonus, you are much less likely to get bugs when growing hydroponically than when growing marijuana in organic mediums like soil)
Overview: Here's What Growing Weed with Bubbleponics Looks Like Each Week:
- Draw water from a bathtub or sink
- Measure out nutrients into the water, which is quick and easy as long as you have measuring spoons (learn more about marijuana-friendly nutrients here:
- Adjust the pH of your nutrient-enriched water. This only takes a few minutes once you get the hang of it, and takes 30 minutes at most your first time. (full tutorial with video by yours truly showing you how to do it here:
- Drain water from your reservoir
- Add new water to resevoir
- Kiss your plants and tell them you love them, make sure their leaves are not too close to the grow lights, and be on your merry way for another week (it's okay if you peek in to check on them if you'd like :)
It's true that the process of pHing your water may take a tiny bit longer the first few times. What I can promise is that once you get acclimated to your house's water and your own system, it becomes easy, almost automatic.
In fact, after a while, you barely have to measure anything, and can even eyeball your measurements in a pinch, only double-checking your measurements if you notice signs of plant trouble.
Sirius Fourside has already put together a complete tutorial on how to grow marijuana with bubbleponics right here:
His tutorial comes complete with pictures on how to set up your system, and literally everything you could ever need to succeed growing weed with bubbleponics.
View full growing marijuana with bubbleponics tutorial here:
Feedback We've Received About The Bubbleponics Tutorial:
- "Aspiring first timer, looks great"
- "Thank you for all of the info, I was lookin for one bit of info and got sucked into everything above. You were very helpful!"
- "This article was very helpful"
- "thanks man enjoyed ur article"
- "Thanks"
- "awesome page"
- "thank u so much for info"
- "great stuff!"
- "Thanks could not b made any easier"
- "By far the best guide I've found! Thank you."
- "Fab page with all the information you will ever need thanks your a star"
- "Excellent, Thank You Very Much from Argentina!"
Important Points to Keep in Mind When Growing Marijuana With Bubbleponics
- This system truly works great with any grow light.
- Fluorescent lights work great for the vegetative stage.
- CFLs and LEDs are great grow lights for this system and barely produce any heat, so require very little setup.
- MH/HPS and other HID grow lights get out of control results in a hydroponics system like this
- Fluorescent lights work great for the vegetative stage.
- Use growth control methods to keep plants short and manageable:
- Heated reservoir water causes bad bacteria in the water, and this leads to root rot.
- Root rot is especially terrible because plants can look healthy with root rot up until they're totally dead.
- If heat is ever an issue at all, I STRONGLY suggest using a product called Hydroguard with your feedings. It introduces beneficial bacteria which outcompete the bad bacteria. I've personally used Aquashield to completely reverse a particularly terrible case of root rot.
- Root rot is especially terrible because plants can look healthy with root rot up until they're totally dead.
If time is the most important factor...
- Make
sure you get a 5 gallon tank/reservoir so you don't have to change water as often, plants can get big growing with this method!
- To create a system that's truly 'set and forget'Â use an HPS grow light from beginning to end. You'll have to spend a bit more time in the beginning to set up an exhaust system to vent out the heat, but once you're set up, HPS lights don't need to be adjusted as often as other lights and can be used from seedling to harvest.
About Nebula Haze and Sirus Fourside:
Sirius Fourside was determined to find the most low maintenance method possible to grow weed, and still get great results.
As a result, he found and mastered the art of growing weed with bubbleponics, so you can skip the research and get straight to growing.
The awesome thing about bubbleponics, is you actually get better yields and faster harvests than growing weed in soil. For thousands of years, humans have been using hydroponics to get better yields from crops and we get to benefit from all that knowledge.
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Learn the Basics to Growing Marijuana here:
Please don't hesitate to Contact with any questions.
Happy growing!